
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I'm going to Australia!!!

So, I was listening to this song as I wrote this blog, maybe you should listen as you read it :)

I've been putting off writing this post for about a month and I'm not exactly sure why. It may be that the decision to go to Australia doesn't feel real, or that I don't feel comfortable telling people that I need support or maybe it's that I'm leaving a community of people that I really love and telling them that I'm leaving is difficult. But, for all those reasons there is one reason that stands above them all. I am a son of the living God, who is continually speaking and directing His children into what He has for them. Not for my glory, but for His. So, with a saddened, yet joyful and excited spirit I tell you that I am going to follow Father God wherever He sends me and as of now, He is sending me back to Brisbane, Australia. I will be leaving June 24th to do Basic Leadership School (BLS) for 20 months. During this time I will be "staffing" two 6 month Discipleship Training Schools, which means I will be discipling, correcting homework, praying and processing with students and then I will be leading two outreach teams for 2 months each somewhere in the world. The possibilities of where I could lead the teams are places such as: India, Peru, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia and more.  I will also be going through school, so I will have homework, reading, lectures etc... This may be a little confusing, but to sum it up: I am taking a full time, unpaid missionary position, to learn and then do what I have learned to further God's Kingdom.  If you have questions please feel free to ask in the comment section! :) Here's a link to the school I will be staffing:

There are so many things on my heart and Father has been teaching me soooo much since I have been home. But, I can't think of any other way that my life should go, you see, I'm all in. There's nothing that I want to hold back from Jesus, I want to go after Him with everything that I am. We sing songs constantly of giving Jesus everything and for a long time I couldn't reconcile singing those songs when I knew I had things that I hadn't given to Him. Also, I now know that God has given me a passion for seeing people come to know Him and not just know Him, but become disciples. As I said in an earlier blog post:

"If you look at the life of Jesus, who I would argue changed the world and many historians would agree with me, it brings up a question: what did he really do? He didn't create a physical empire, he didn't change the laws, or the tax code, he didn't go to war and win a lot of battles, he didn't become king or even pope. If you look at the stories of Jesus, he hung out with 12 of his closest friends and was with the poor a lot and he changed the world, because he changed the individual, he SAW the individual for who they were. My encouragement to you is: don't think that you can't change the world, YOU are a part of this world and so are the people around you. If you say today, "God allow me to pour into one person so they become a disciple of you" and then follow through, you will change the world and they will help you."

I think I am taking my own advice and going to make disciples and in the process I pray I become one!

So, the humbling/difficult part (at least for me)

It will cost $500 a month for me to live in Australia, this covers housing and food. Also, on top of that, I need $8,000 to cover things such as: health insurance, visa's, flights, outreach etc..

I am praying for two things, these are all tax deductible!!!!!!:
1) You can give a one time donation in one of two ways (this goes toward the $8,000)
     1. Go to the link below and follow the steps, just don't select "recurring"
     2. You can send a check and make it out to Truro Anglican Church, don't write anything in the memo                 line, just send a short note saying that this check is for me: Jason LaLone
          Truro's address: 10520 Main St., Fairfax, VA 22030

2) 25 month to month partners at $20 each (this will cover the $500 a month)
     - You can set up an automatic payment each month that will go directly into my account that is set up        through my church, Truro (which is tax deductible).
b.      Click “Need a Login? Click Here”
c.       Create a username by entering the information needed
d.      Select recurring and then your desired options, if you select 20-25 occurrences that would be best for me! =)
e.      On the next screen, select “Outbound” and put my name: Jason LaLone in the optional memo box.
f.        If you decide to partner with me, please send me an email at JTLALONE@HOTMAIL.COM

Please keep following me, I will be posting updates over my time in Australia and elsewhere! You guys are so amazing! I love you all! 

1 comment :

  1. I'm proud of you, brother. I pray that God will give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.
