
Friday, April 11, 2014


It sunny and beautifully 70 degrees outside! It seems that when the sun and the weather match up my brain starts to come alive and I can't help but write about all the goodness in the world. My mind starts relaying signals that weren't there yesterday because of this wonderful sunshine, or maybe it's the vitamin D? Either way it's exhilierating and I just HAVE to tell you how amazing our God is. Here's a short clip from my most recent journal entry:

In the audacity that follows the statement "you are my son" or "you are my daughter", in the mere fact that I have the right to call God, the creator of all, MY Father, it urges me and hopefully you to want to explore this topic further. What's wonderful about exploration is that we get to travel to places which are "unknown" or at the very least vaguely defined. Which can bring up many different reactions from many different people. The unknown, for some, is scary or frightening, we would rather retreat to what is comfortable, to the tangible places in our life that are reliable. To others, the unkown is exciting, exhilerating and allows our minds to jump around to new possibilities. For me, I enjoy both, the unknown and the solid foundations in which my mind can "rely" on, when overwhelmed I can retreat for a time and start to process these new possibilities, asking if they support my foundation or if they require my "comfort zone" to be re-arranged. 

But, for both kinds of people, this exploration phase is important and we shouldn't be scared of it. The reactions of both parties will be different, and that's perfectly fine, whether retreating or forging ahead, we need both as long as we are constantly asking God and the Holy Spirit to teach us. We shouldn't be scared of making mistakes!! If we are seeking God, reading His word, in community, and constantly praising our Lord, then "pushing the boundaries" with God, should be, in my opinion, encouraged. Let's remember that Father and the Holy Spirit are constantly wanting to renew our minds. This doesn't mean our foundation of Scripture changes, it means that our definitions are under observation and able to be changed by the Holy Spirit's instruction. Our experiences with God allow us to go deeper in our understanding of Scripture and what He wants to do to bring His Kingdom to earth. 

In my example of finding out that YOU are a child of the king, it can bring about some changes in the way we think, act, feel and respond to situations in our life. This is just one example of the "exploration phase". When we start to understand this as who we are, instead of some abstract idea, our perceptions may change as well as how we relate to the world, to ourselves and to Father God. Another example would be: when we understand who is actually living inside of us, as in God Himself! The Holy Spirit, a part of the Trinity. We now start to read Scripture with new eyes, realising it's the same Holy Spirit who worked through Paul to start the new church in Acts or through Stephen who fearlessly preached the gospel. 

Be blessed today! Explore God and get to know Him, He is waiting for people to not be scared to "make mistakes", because don't we make them all the time anyways? ;) 

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