There is something about stillness. I'm not sure I can put my finger on it, but God created it for a reason and when God is given your stillness, He uses it and responds to our effort. When you ask God to quiet your mind and your heart, it allows Him to sink in. For Him to become reality, its like He reveals His kingdom not just to you, but in you. You start to become filled with His wisdom, start to live a life centered on the only one worth centering your life on. The inner transformation of your life is critical and important to God. It's where God makes His home and His Spirit advises. Stop worrying about what your going to do tomorrow, focus on turning your inside into something that IS God's.
I spent the last week in a small town of Roma, Austrlia. We stayed at a church, doing service projects, teaching Religious Education classes in the public schools for 3rd graders and leading a youth group. It was much more relaxing than the previous two weeks and we had a lot of time to spend with each other. Most mornings consisted of breakfast at 8am and then worship/prayer time from 9am-10:30. One morning we spent 15 minutes as a group in silence, just listening and waiting on the Lord. Here's what I realized in that 15 minutes devoted to silence: before I came to YWAM I was a little scared that the amount of time praying, worshiping and quiet time etc.. was going to be hard on my mind. I was afraid that I would get worn out emotionally, physically and spiritually.
HA, looking back on it I feel silly even thinking that, but I honestly think thats the way people view "religion". As an activity that takes something from them and then you just become tired and want to move onto something different in order to regain the energy you once had. This is NOT how Jesus intended it to be. He says over and over again how His burden is light and His yoke is easy (Matthew 11). And how He makes me lie down in green pastures, He wants to lead us beside quiet waters and restore our soul (Psalm 23). A quick note on the Psalm 23 passage: A lot of times people assume this means that they have to do something in order to lie down in green pastures. We insert "I" when it clearly says "HE". This week I encourage you to take some time for stillness, tell Father that you believe Him when He says HE will restore your soul and that you don't need to work for that "light burden" because He has already taken it. In essence, BELIEVE WHAT HE HAS ALREADY SAID. I think this process will start to shift our thinking and our religious mindsets as to what church/religion is really like. We should enjoy God because He enjoys being with us! =)
We also got to celebrate Thanksgiving American style in Australia! I am so thankful for the group of people I am with, I can't imagine doing this DTS with anyone else :)
And here's one of the beach we went to on the Great Barrier Reef :)
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